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Benefits of Induction Lighting

Time:2015-12-05 Views:2643 Compile:SUNPER

To understand what induction lighting is, it is first to understand some basics of induction lighting. The light source is usually provided by the electrode less lamp. The power needed to generate light is commonly transferred from the outside of the lamp envelope by help of electromagnetic fields. Induction lighting works as follows.

This form of lighting is created when the electromagnetic transformers made of ferrite rings and coils create an electromagnetic field around the argon filled gas tube. Free electrons collide with the mercury atoms in the discharge path. This excites the electrons and leads to production of light. Once excited, the ultra violet radiation is this emitted and converts into visible light. High frequency is usually generated by the electronic ballast. Induction lighting normally has less glare compared to the traditional HPS. It has a rated life of 100,000 hours and does not generate much heat. The technology utilized in induction lighting has better light quality and saves up to 50 percent of the lighting cost as well as service life.

Some of the advantages of induction lighting include the following.

1. Longer lifespan

The induction systems don’t rely on the burning filament or electrodes so as to generate light. Therefore, there are no modules to burn out as this may typically reduce the lifespan. This makes the lifespan of the induction systems to be 100,000 rated hours. Consequently, this will help to save on both the labor and replacement costs as well as the waste produced is less.

2. Improved efficiency

The electronic systems are very efficient especially with the recent technology which is better. The electronic ballasts generates power up to 99 times conversion rate. This means that more energy is converted to light which is better and thus less energy is lost in form of heat. This results to the phenomenon of lights burning brighter as well as cooler while using only half of the energy.

3. Better quality lighting

Induction lighting is better since the 100 watts induction system is capable of replacing the 250 watts HID system. The light which is generated by the different methods usually produce light with different qualities. Human eyes perceive this light differently and thus affecting the vision of the human beings.

A very extensive research was carried out in order to understand Mesopic vision better and more specifically how the scotopic vision cause pupil contraction as well as increased visual acuity. The results of the research showed that the scotopiically enhanced light appears brighter even when the light levels are reduced and hence the potential to reduce the wattage while at the same time improving lighting. 

The ratio of the scotopic light vs the photopic light in a lamp is referred to as S/P ratio. This ratio determines the deceptive visual brightness of the light source. Induction lighting produces high S/P ratio. This is the main reason why 100 watts lamp appears brighter to the human eye rather than sodium vapor or a metal halide of twice the wattage. Generally, visual effective lumens is the main key factor in vision and most of the traditional lumen meters cannot measure this conversion factor the way it should be.

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